Velo Veneto - Ciclismo Italiano !

Stories from the Velo Veneto bike racing camp in Castelcucco, Italy

Location: San Francisco, California, United States

I'm a 50 year old kid who loves to race bikes. I operate a bike racing camp in Northern Italy. When not in Italy I have the good fortune of living in one of the best places to ride, the Northern California Wine Country.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Buon Compleano

Who's your mechanic? For our man Domenic of Toronto, it's Marco Argentin on this day, installing some new bars. Marco is one of the Italian National Team mechanics....yeah, that's right, he worked for Paolo Bettini and the Squadra Azzuri at the World Championships last year.

But it's not all about the bike here at Velo Veneto. We like to "party" just a little bit with our Italian family at the hotel Montegrappa. Last night it was Luca's 38th birthday. Here he is with two of his children, Laura (8) and Luis (6). Also pictured is Renato Palazzo, our camp founder. It was also his "compleano" yesterday. Luca's wife Lydia was in the hospital, having just delivered their 4th child two days before. We look forward to seeing her and Letizia soon.
When you're at our camp you feel like part of the Bolzon family. Normally on Thursdays the family takes the day off (the bar, ristorante, pizzeria in closed to the public) and we go to a nearby town to eat at Luca's brother's pizzeria. But last night was was an honor to share a meal with the family.

Fantastic dolce and custom macchiato after !


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